Our Team

  • Loren Snow Speaking

    Loren Snow - CEO & Lead Trainer

    I'm an autism consultant with over ten years experience teaching people about autism.

    Over the past decade I've taught tens of thousands of parents of autistic children at every stage of the diagnosis process: from learning how to understand their children, to how to engage with professionals.

    I’m one of the UK’s lead trainers for The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training on Autism and Learning Disability and I work for NHS England reviewing autistic patients' care in psychiatric hospitals to get them back into the community or to prevent hospital admittance.

  • Hats Darley

    Hats Darley - Training Coordinator

    It’s my job to organise, manage, and facilitate our training programs. This means I spend my time doing all sorts, from supporting our trainers to enquiries, but also more creative tasks like making new training materials!

    My working background is in training and management, but I also have spent time as a community enabler before enrolling on a psychology degree, which I'm currently pursuing part-time.

    When I'm not working, I'm spending time with my cat Oaty (whom I adore), attending life drawing classes, or getting coffee with friends.

  • Rich Trigg

    Rich Trigg - Trainer

    I help to facilitate training sessions using my personal experience of neurodiversity as a tool to help participants connect with the material. I also help out with administrative support so very occasionally you may receive an email from me.

    I'm also one of our Experts by Experience on The Oliver McGowan Mandatory Training.

    Outside of my work with NDT I spend my time organising cultural and political education events in my home city, Bristol. I also enjoy hanging with friends, live music and tabletop gaming.

  • Chris Memmott

    Chris Memmott - Trainer

    I am one of our Experts by Experience, helping to deliver our training and also assisting with behind the scenes work like admin and writing.

    I have a passion for sensory work and view it as a cornerstone of autism care. If we ever meet be careful about asking me about it, because I will download on the subject!

    I have taught thousands of NHS staff, parents and individuals, basically anyone who can't outrun me.

    I also do sensory evaluations of care facilities and have worked as a 1-2-1 peer supporter and TA in an autism specific school.

  • Lian Oshana

    Lian Oshana - Mental Health Consultant

    I am a trainee counsellor currently studying for my masters.

    I'm help advise around mental health and occasionally deliver training.

    I have a passion for helping people recover from trauma and work for Shout, Womankind, and The Samaritans.