When Work is More Than Work: Being an Expert by Experience
Last year, I became an Expert by Experience.
But what does that mean?
Well, in the simplest terms, it means that my understanding of Autism and neurological diversity doesn’t just come from reading and learning, but crucially, it comes from my own experiences as a neurodiverse individual. Whilst no two neurodivergent people are the same, each of us has our own journey through which we have developed a rich understanding of how our neurodiversity presents and challenges us and how it can bring us joy and community.
For many people, this may simply mean knowing that they are ‘different’ and having a range of coping mechanisms that help them navigate a neurotypical world. For others, that journey may have involved extensive interactions with healthcare professionals and specialist educators. Something we are seeing more of now, as stigma lessens and access to information increases, is that many people now self-identify as neurodivergent.
As a community, we have faced many challenges in having our voices heard about the conditions we live with day-to-day, but if understanding around neurodiversity is only shaped by those outside of that lived experience, then it is at risk of being limited at best, harmful at worst.
In my role as an expert by experience, I support the training that Neurodiverse Training provides, offering personal insights to strengthen and provide context to the material we cover. For me, this helps me achieve two important professional goals: to work in education and to do work that I believe makes a positive impact on the world I live in.
What a Training Day Looks Like.
Delivering the Oliver McGowen Mandatory Training (OMMT) package means travelling to various new and different places. Travel can be difficult because it requires time management skills, but it also means travelling by train and experiencing new places, which can be as exciting as it is challenging. When I arrive at the venue, I take a moment to acclimatise myself. As the Autism portion of the training is in the afternoon, I usually arrive during the lunch break, so I get an opportunity to say hello to people before the formal part of the day resumes.
Loren and I have known one another for a long time, so we are familiar with each other’s training styles, allowing for comfortable interactions when presenting together. Loren’s confidence in me and my knowledge is a real boost, which, in turn, allows me to feel relaxed. As a core part of my role is providing insight into the experience of living as an autistic person, I often draw on personal stories. Some of which are not necessarily stories I would ordinarily be sharing with strangers, but with that support - and a neurodivergent tendency to overshare - I feel confident to talk participants through the challenges and joys of autistic life.
The material covered in the OMMT course is rightly challenging, and as someone with a strong sense of social justice, it can be hard not to be moved when thinking about the way in which neurodivergent people are mistreated and overlooked by the systems that are supposed to be there to care for us.
However, within that feeling of upset also lies the belief that the education we provide is important, so it is a point of personal pride to be a part of that.